We’re having some trouble deciding, so maybe you can help us out — are these 14 ideas the dumbest things you’ve ever seen or ingenious inventions?

I think I’ll stick with regular bicycles…
For women who are trying to learn to walk on heels…
Ermmm… nope!
What’s would be the point of this exactly?
I think this is going too far…
Yeah… Good luck with that.
This is definitely an interesting idea. It doesn’t look that safe though.
This, on the other hand, looks completely dumb.
This has to be the craziest vending machine I’ve ever seen.
Who would want to carry this product around? Also, when you’re at home, you can just use a glass…
Well, I guess this one has its target market…
Are people so lazy that they truly need these jeans?
Yes, this umbrella will protect you from the rain. It will also make you look like a complete idiot while doing so.
It’s a thin line between genius and stupid. With that said, I don’t think this product is genius…
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