World’s Most Surprising Borders: 12 Photos That Defy Expectations

World’s Most Surprising Borders: 12 Photos That Defy Expectations

Whenever we hear ’state border’ we normally imagine guards, armed to the teeth, well-trained dogs, barbed wire and strict passport control. Well, it isn’t always so! Apparently, a border between many countries, is just a symbolic line passing through a sidewalk or a countryside road.

#12. Germany — Czech Republic

204305-1000-1451258252-lalad0pde This majestic sight is a border between Germany and Czech Republic. The view is simply breathtaking!

#11. Norway — Sweden

204255-1000-1451258252-original-grid-image-06 This slope is at the border between Norway and Sweden.

#10. Poland — Ukraine

204405-1000-1451258252-51 This giant fish ’trespassing’ the border between Poland and Ukraine symbolizes the national boundary between these countries. Creator — Polish artist Jarosław Koziara.

#9. Sweden — Finland

You can even play golf on the Finnish-Swedish border.

#8. Argentina — Brazil — Paraguay

203755-1000-1451258252-985236e6-9ede-4874-ac95-89d59f2be09c (1)Argentina —on the left, Brazil — on the right, Paraguay — in the middle.

#7. Brazil — Uruguay

204205-1000-1451258252-S3500039 The border between these countries takes place directly on the sidewalk. Brazil — on the left, Uruguay — on the right.

#6. Canada — United States

203955-1000-1451258252-190715_35 The border between Canada and United States passes through a town called Derby Line — right through the buildings.

#5. Belgium — Netherlands

203805-1000-1451258252-Baarle-Nassau_frontire_caf You can enter a cafe in the Netherlands and leave it in Belgium.

#4. Nepal — China

204355-1000-1451258252-1850747400The border between Nepal and China passes directly over Everest.

#3. Germany — Netherlands

203855-1000-1451258252-55ab619a41b61 The border between Germany and the Netherlands is marked with a metal strip in the Eurode business center. Although the mailboxes are on both sides of the border, letters reach their recipients only a week later.

#2. Russia — United States

203905-1000-1451258252-0_f9c13_69ba4ba4_origThis is an island between Russia and the United States. The island is only 35 km away from both Chukotka and Alaska. Despite this, the difference in time is 21 hours.

#1. China — Mongolia


There is absolutely nothing extraordinary on the border between China and Mongolia. Just two kissing dinosaurs.

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