in Did You Know? 21 Historical Photos That Shows How Different The World Was Way Back Then by MD Admin updated July 16, 2015, 11:54 AM 621 Views 0 Votes You won’t find these photos in history books. 1. Hats were popular in New York in the 40s. 2. Women in the 40’s painted the backs of their legs to look like they were wearing stockings. 3. Parisians make their way through a flood in 1924. 4. A soldier chasing a man who was throwing rocks at a tank. 5. Alfred Hitchcock shares a meal with the MGM lion. 6. One man refuses to do the Nazi Salute, 1936 7. A policeman judges an ankle contest in the 1930s. 8. A woman waits for her crinoline in a London dress shop. 9. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara on a fishing trip, 1960 10. Women boxing on a rooftop in the 30s. 11. Orphaned babies being transported to the US after the Vietnam War. 12. The aftermath of D-Day. 13. WWI sound finders used to locate enemy planes. 14. A brewery delivers kegs to troops in Normandy. 15. Salvador Dali and his pet anteater. 16. The real Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh 17. Wooden bathing suits from the 1940s. 18. Test pilot George Aird ejected himself from an English Electric Lightning F-1. 19. A portable TV concept created in 1967. 20. A fugitive caught by border patrol as he tries to enter Mexico. 21. The Dynasphere, invented in 1932. Share your thoughts in the comments below... did you knowhistorymust seephotographs See more Previous article These 12 Self-Defense Tactics You Need To Memorize Just In Case You Ever Need Them Next article 15 Movie Mistakes You Didn’t Notice In Your Favorite Action Movies What do you think? 0 Points Upvote Downvote Written by MD Admin Next post
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