Do you see what is actually there…or something else? Our minds are powerful, sometimes they can even overpower what our eyes actually see…and instead just tell us what to see. Let’s put your mind to the test and find out if your mind overrides your eyes!
#48. What do you see? Two couches pushed together I hope.

#47. You’re not into girls with werewolf arms?…oh wait, that’s a leg.

#46. Nothing to see here…just two close friends taking a photo.

#45. What’s on your mind…paper? Because that’s what this is!

#44. It’s a MUSHROOM! Jeeze, what is wrong with you…

#43. It’s all about your perspective…pervert!

#42. It’s all about your perspective…pervert.

#41. Interesting nursery artwork don’t you think?

#40. That’s a really furry…puppy?

#39. Tropical storm John is really growing.

#38. This is like a Rorschach test…what do you see?

#37. Just a lady in a bathtub…with her ELBOWS hanging out.

#36. Uhhh, don’t you just hate it when your cactus won’t stand up!?!

#35. Mommy, how are trees made?

#34. Isn’t that just the perfect pose!?! No, not that guy…

#33. This guy’s pose isn’t nearly as good…but still funny.

#32. That’s a tremendous looking fountain.

#31. Careful where you put your pillow that looks like a naked butt.

#30. Naughty nuns!!!…oh wait a sec…never-mind, false alarm.

#29. Uhhh Father…you left your zipper down. Or is that the blanket???

#28. The architect didn’t take the lighting into consideration here.

#27. What a lovely looking…dog.

#26. That awkward moment when you realize your friends foot ruined your social life.

#25. Sometimes you have nobody to blame except your own shadow for that giant looking…

#24. JOHNSON, that’s what they should call this island.

#23. Look lower…ya, there it is.

#22. Automatically you see that as a penis…

#21. But you can’t see the giant gorilla!?!

#20. Your perception is your reality…or an armpit.

#20. You see what you want to see…don’t you?

#19. Who thought this was a great idea for a kids toy!?!

#18. Probably the same guy who thought it was a good idea to make Minnie’s dress look like…well, you know.

#17. Ummm, she’s not wearing any…oops, now I see what that is.

#16. Do you promise!?!

#15. I swear I only see a tall stack of newspapers…I swear.

#14. What, you’ve never seen a vegetable before!?!

#13. Naughty little Minion.

#12. It’s PUTT*…that one ‘T’ just changed the whole game.

#11. This is a clever writer…dirty, but clever.

#10. This guy is a pedofhile for sure.

#9. There’s a hidden message in this book…

#8. Just like there’s a hidden message in this sculpture!

#7. Not what you think…they’re Jazz lovers.

#6. Wait for it.

#5. We’re playing prison rules today boys!

#4. Uhhh, guys? Could we get back to the game???

#3. Interesting pose…oh wait…optical illusion.

#2. That BBQ is being a real dick.

#1. Relax…That’s just a lamp.

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