Now if these tattoos weren’t the results of lost bets or drunken dares, we have good reason to be concerned about the direction our society is headed!
20. 800$ for this?

19. An ice-cream that emits lightning. On her face? Lord, help us!

18. At least these will ensure that he’s always dressed appropriately…

17. Not the case with this guy!

16. Makes sense!

15. And this one too.

14. Now this is brilliant.

13. Wonder how many boobs these hands have touched. Not many, we’re sure!

12. Now this makes that pot belly look even worse!

11. The race-starter at the local track.

10. This guy wears shorts every day.

9. The biggest fan of low-prices.

8. Wonder if this is the only brain this guy has?!

7. He saves a fortune on shirts!

6. When Jagerbombs flow through your veins…

5. Constant reminder to keep expectations realistic!

4. Reminder of what he loves the most.

3. What happens to this couple if they break up? Oh yeah, they’ll look sillier than they already do!

2. Permanent suspenders.

1. You can tell that this one’s a romantic.

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