2016 is nearly here.
And although 2015 has given us so much – like failed Back To The Future predictions and the constant threat of terrorism – it’s nearly a new year and a new you!
However, with 2016 just round the corner, we must take a moment to reflect on those who won’t be seeing in the new year by our sides. Sometimes, natural selection just takes action and the truly stupid are whittled out, whilst giving the rest of us a good giggle.
Think of it as a real-life Hunger Games – only these people never had the odds in their favour:
#19. Like this poor lad, who left us so young:
#18. And this chancer, who just took one too many risks:
#17. Ladies and gentleman, the real “Girl on Fire”:

#16. Sometimes, life can be one dangerous ride:

#15. 2016 may be better off without this guy:

#14. At least she died doing what she loved; playing giant Jenga in the garden:

#13. All she wanted to do was dance… :

#12. The sad thing here is; she saw it coming:

#11. His older brother just kept running… and running… :

#10. There will be no holiday in 2016 for this couple:

#9. She left us with a smile:

#8. Long-jumping into the ground, and out of our lives:

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