in Did You Know? Check Out These Rare Historical Images From The Past. [Part-I] by MD Admin updated November 27, 2023, 9:37 AM 1.9k Views 0 Votes #40. The first photograph upon discovery of Machu Picchu, 1912. #39. Underwater detonation of 15 kiloton nuclear weapon. #38. Lucky British soldier shows off his damaged helmet, 1917. #37. Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his wife on the day they were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, 28 June 1914. #36. Einstein’s desk photographed a day after his death. #35. Soviet soldier in the liberated village. #34. Soldiers raising the Soviet flag over the Reichstag, Berlin 1945. #33. Adolf Eichmann walks around the yard of his cell, Israel, April 1961. #32. Executions of Kiev Jews by German army mobile killing units, 1942. #31. Two German soldiers and their mule wearing gas masks in WWI, 1916. #30. British tanks maneuvering trenches during the Battle of Cambrai. France, 1917. #29. Erwin Rommel helps to push his stuck staff car somewhere in Northern Africa, January 1941. #28. B-32 Bomber Factory in Fort Worth, Texas,1944. #27. Annual midnight swearing-in of Nazi SS troops, Feldherrnhalle, Munich, 1938. #26. USAAF B-25 sinks Japanese destroyer Amatsukaze off the coast of Xiamen, China, 6 April 1945. #25. Spectators standing upon tables to get a glimpse of the Versailles Treaty being signed, France, 1919. #24. Abandoned boy holding a stuffed toy animal amid ruins following German aerial bombing of London, 1940. #23. Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938. #22. Germans testing a Messerschmitt Bf 109 E3, 1940. #21. Hans-Georg Henke – 16 Year Old German soldier crying. #20. A rare color photo of Adolf Hitler which shows his true eye color. #19. Execution of a German Communist in Munich, 1919. #18. Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light, c. 1937. #17. Gadget, the first atomic bomb. #16. The last Jew in Vinnitsa, 1941. #15. The last picture of Adolf Hitler, April 30, 1945. #14. A dog being posed by a German soldier. #13. The night they ended Prohibition, December 5th 1933. #12. Liberation of Paris, August 1944. #11. The end of WWII is celebrated in Moscow’s Red Square, May 9, 1945. #10. A German soldier with a badge on his chest in Stalingrad, 1942. #9. General George S. Patton’s dog on the day of Patton’s death on December 21st, 1945. #8. German prisoners march to Moscow after defeat at Belarus during “Operation Bagration”, 17 July 1944. #7. German troops trying to rescue what looks like a French soldier from sinking in a mud hole. Northern France, 1914-1918. #6. Nine Kings in one photo. #5. Nazis singing to encourage a boycott of the allegedly Jewish-founded Woolworths, 1933. #4. A US soldier offers his hand to a woman leaving a cave where she had hidden with her child during the battle between Japanese an. #3. A rare shot of a young Winston Churchill. #2. Eyes of Hate, A candid photograph of Goebbels after he finds out his photographer is Jewish. #1. American tank crews listen as Bernard Herzog who was liberated from the camp of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines. did you knowhistorymust seepicturesrare photographsunknown See more Previous article This Is How Our Favorite Foods Look In Their Natural Habitats Next article Behind the Scenes: 60 Candid Photos from Iconic Movies What do you think? 0 Points Upvote Downvote Written by MD Admin Next post