
Rare Pictures Of These 15 Famous Landmarks Before They Were Complete As You Know Them Today.

Decades later and they’re still some of the greatest architectural feats in the world.

#16. The Sydney Opera House under construction in the 1960s.

#15. Christ the Redeemer being refurbished in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

#14. Manhattan Bridge being assembled in New York City, 1909.

#13. Construction of The London Tower Bridge, 1892.

#12. The beginnings of the Hoover Dam, in 1933.

#11. The U.S. Capitol Building in 1861.

#10. Progression of the construction of the Eiffel Tower in the late 1800s.

#9. Mount Rushmore, missing some key figures.

#8. The Statue Of Liberty in 1885, prior to assembly.

#7. One World Trade Center, being constructed in 2012.

#6. The Lincoln Memorial being finished in 1921, still missing his head.

#5. The beginnings of the Washington Monument during the mid 1800s.

#4. The Golden Gate Bridge being assembled in 1932.

#3. Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, being completed in 2008.

#2. New York City’s Flatiron Building, in 1902.

#1. The construction of the World Trade Centers in 1970.

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Written by MD Admin

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