in Funny, Graphic 25 Stunning Pictures Of Things Happened At The Right Place And The Right Moment by MD Admin updated December 26, 2015, 12:36 PM 550 Views 0 Votes #25. When you bought an elephant and are reading the instructions. #24. Galaxy’s image #23. Between the two wolrds- New York, USA #22. An astronaut from the international Space Station shows how to take pictures of legs on the beach. #21. Oh, somebody is in big trouble! #20. Park for a perfectionist – Schonbrunn Palace Austria. #19. Traffic jam in Beijing. #18. When you still have not decided. #17. Amitabha Buddha day- Vietnam #16. Royal Navy celebration in UK. #15. Sun setting in the mountains. #14. Shadow of Mount Fuji that is 24 km long- Japan. #13. Here is what happens when you spill hot water in Antarctica. #12. Temple under ashes after a volcano’s erruption- Mount Ontake, Japan. #11. A morning after frost. #10. A game of shadows ( the camels are the small white lines on the sand ). #9. Eagle flying above the water in Canada. #8. Celebration for the 100th anniversary of North Korea. #7. Road in the Netherlands. #6. Man. Flashlight. Ice. Beauty. #5. Illusion of a huge wave. #4. Sleeping. #3. It’s just a crayfish in a bucket, although it seems like it’s taking over the world. #2. Cherry underwater. #1. Polar opposites. perfect picturesperfect timingphotographyrealisticright timing See more Previous article ‘Miracle’ Baby Who Wasn’t Expected To Live Past Birth Gets To Meet Santa Next article This Teenager Explained Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity Like Nobody Else And Even Won $400,000 What do you think? 0 Points Upvote Downvote Written by MD Admin Next post