Forget superheroes with their flowing capes and super powers. When you want to see something completely awe-inspiring, look no further than the human body. Read these facts and you’ll know what we are talking about!
#25. Did you know that because of a cartilage compression in your spine, your body is a whole 1 centimeter shorter when you sleep at night than when you’re awake?

#24. Every 60 seconds, your red blood cells do an entire circuit of your body!

#23. Your bladder actually visibly grows when you have the urge to pee.

#22. Most babies are born with blue eyes. Their lifelong eye color is a result of exposure to UV rays.

#21. Most residents of the Western Hemisphere will consume at least 50 tons of food and 50,000 liters of liquid during the course of their lifetime!

#20. It takes over six months to grow back a new nail or toenail.

#19. Your eye muscles contract about 100,000 times a day.

#18. Humans shed over 40 lbs. of skin in the course of their lifetime.

#17. 20% of the oxygen you breathe and calories you intake go directly towards fueling your brain!

#16. The 1 million filters in our kidney clean 1.3 litres of blood each minute and push out about 1.5 litres of urine every day.

#15. Ovaries contain about 500,000 eggs but only about 400 can actually create life.

#14. Every human has their own unique smell. Except for twins!

#13. A human’s stomach creates cells faster than it can destroy them. That’s why the stomach doesn’t end up destroying itself.

#12. Humans produce a pint of sweat daily. And this comes from half a million sweat glands present in the body.

#11. When we accumulate information and insight about our surroundings, 90% of this information comes from our eyesight.

#10. Tickling yourself is almost impossible. Try it!

#9. Burn victims often get skin grafts from the foreskin of babies.

#8. Human bones are over 4 times stronger than concrete.

#7. The skin of an adult male, stretched out, spans over 20 feet.

#6. A person’s saliva collected over a lifetime could fill two swimming pools!

#5. We need saliva to dissolve something before we can actually taste it.

#4. On a daily basis, men produce enough sperm to repopulate the earth within six months.

#3. The heat the human body is capable of producing in half an hour can boil a gallon of water.

#2. If you stretch out all the capillaries in your lungs, tip-to-tip, they would span all the way from Los Angeles to Atlanta.

And finally…People who dream more often have a higher IQ. Go now and dream… 🙂

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